
Every September we recognize Suicide Prevention Month to spread awareness and resources for individuals in our communities who may be struggling.  当我们看数字的时候, we are able to better understand the impact of suicide here at Xavier and beyond:


Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young adults between the ages of 18-24 and approximately 1,100 U.S. 每年都有bet365中文死于自杀.


Parents and family play an integral role in helping to support your Saint’s mental and emotional well-being and fostering connection.  这里有一些关键的方法可以帮助你的圣徒:

让你的圣徒放心,无论有什么问题,他们都会来找你.  考虑到我们的许多bet365中文在大学取得成功所面临的压力, many students may not reach out to family for support for fear of embarrassment, 自我批评, 或者对不足的判断. Reassure them that you’re there to love and support them no matter what they may be experiencing.

如果你的圣徒告诉你他们有自杀的念头, 以平静和让人放心的方式回应. 谢谢他们告诉你.  You don’t have to have all the answers but remember that sharing that they are struggling is a big step towards finding support. Together, you can make a plan that will help them get connected to appropriate professional help.

了解自杀的警告信号.  Many students go through a lot of changes while in college and may be navigating new or more difficult challenges.  The following signs and symptoms can indicate that someone may be experiencing thoughts of death or suicide:


Expressing guilt (“I’m a terrible person”) or hopelessness (“What’s the point?或“情况永远不会好转”)。






改变外表(不洗澡), grooming), 饮食或睡眠习惯(过多或过少)


直接问.  Many people believe asking someone if they are having thoughts about death or suicide will somehow plant the idea in their mind.  The opposite is actually true – asking directly can cause someone to feel relief that a loved one noticed that they are struggling.  问你的圣人:你是否有死亡或自杀的念头?  如果他们说是的, 询问他们有这种感觉多久了, 如果他们有计划的话, 以及他们是否知道如何或何时执行计划.  This information helps us to better understand their risk and will help us to take the important next steps.  如果他们说不, remind them that it’s common when people are struggling to have thoughts like that and, 如果他们真的这么做了, 他们应该来找你,或者联系到可以提供帮助的资源.

让你的圣徒参与决策过程. Research shows that people who are struggling are more likely to reach out for support if a loved one encourages them to do so. 告诉你的圣徒你很担心, 你爱他们,支持他们, 他们并不孤单, and that you’d like to get them connected to additional resources that can help. 问他们想要接触以下哪一种资源:

The 全国自杀预防 Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 一周7天, 横跨美国. The Lifeline is comprised of a national network of over 150 local crisis centers, combining custom local care and resources with national standards and best practices.  The Lifeline also has a dedicated line for Veterans and Spanish-speaking people.

危机短信热线(短信HOME至741741)为任何人服务, 在任何类型的危机中, 提供免费访问, 通过人们已经使用和信任的媒介提供全天候支持:文本.  For people of color, text STEVE to 741741 to connect with a counselor who is also a person of color. 

The Trevor Project (1-866-488-7386; text START to 678678) is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, 跨性别和质疑(LGBTQ)的年轻人.

鼓励他们与资源建立联系.  Suicidal thoughts or behaviors are signs of emotional distress and should always be taken seriously. 为bet365中文, 压力过大, 抑郁症, anxiety, 孤独, and an uncontrollable event can all be risk factors for developing thoughts of death or suicide.

在泽维尔大学,bet365中文可以联系任何辅导员、老师或行政人员. 无论是与辅导员还是与泽维尔的其他教职员工交谈, Xavier can help get your Saint connected to necessary resources to help navigate the challenges they face. Pursue a higher level of care if your Saint’s suicidal thoughts or behaviors escalate.  如果你认为你的圣人不能保护他们的人身安全, 请拨打911或当地警方进行福利检查.  Your Saint may benefit from a short hospitalization to ensure your Saint can receive immediate treatment and to ensure their safety.  另外, 具体情况具体分析, it may be helpful for your Saint to take a break from school and stay home to focus on receiving medical health treatment.

了解更多关于心理健康和自杀预防的信息.  Xavier and other communities have many opportunities to learn more about mental health and suicide prevention.  Check out some of these great opportunities for you or your Saint to learn more about these important topics and providing a community of care and support for yourself or loved ones:

心理健康急救.  就像心肺复苏术帮助你抢救心脏病发作的人一样, 心理健康急救 helps you assist someone living with or experiencing a mental health or substance use-related challenge. 在本课程中, you will learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, 如何在危机和非危机情况下帮助别人的策略, 去哪里寻求帮助.  加入大于2的.4 million 心理健康急救ers nationwide who have been empowered to help support others through their recovery and resiliency – the belief that people living with these challenges can and do get better, 并能过上有意义和富有成效的生活.  

要在您的社区中找到课程,请访问 http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/take-a-course/

JED基金会的心理健康资源中心.  The JED Foundation is the nation’s leading non-profit organization that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for young adults.  The Mental Health Resource Center offers many resources for learning more about mental health and how to have a conversation with a friend or family member.

Recovery can take many different paths and it’s important to maintain ongoing support and connection for your Saint.  Reflect on how you model your own health and well-being to your Saint and encourage opportunities to talk about how they’re doing. We all have a meaningful role to play in preventing suicide this September and beyond!


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